06 December 2012

30 Days of Songs - Days Three & Four

Day Three:

Since it is December, I figure that a Christmas song would be appropriate for day three. Once of my all time favourites ever since I was a little girl has been Feliz Navidad by Boney M. It never fails to make me smile or sing-a-long, no matter what mood that I am in!

Day Four:

The list of my favourite songs wouldn't be complete without Breaking Me Down by Soil. This song defined almost two years of my life as I took to the squared circle and learned how to wrestle. Yes, as in the WWE style wrestling that is sports entertainment. I grew up watching wrestling with my dad and my cousins. We'd "wrestle" each other and pretend that we were Superstars. As I got older, there were a few years where I lost some interest in the sport, but I regained my interest at about 17 or 18 years old. I decided that I wanted to try my hand at wrestling and actively looked for a wrestling camp. I happened upon Monster Pro Wrestling at the end of 2003 and signed up for a training camp. Obsession hit hard and I was in the ring training six days a week. Everything I did at that point in time revolved around wrestling. A few months after I started training my alter ego, Princess Patricia, was born. Now every wrestler needs a theme song that makes an impact, and after watching the Fast and the Furious, Breaking Me Down by Soil stood out the most.This song defined a major point in my life. There were so many people that said I couldn't wrestle. So many that said I wasn't tough enough, athletic enough, good-looking enough, whatever. Now, it may surprise some, but I hate being told that I can't do something. So I pushed through. I may not have been the best wrestler, but I sure gave it everything I had. It was something I loved and I am so glad that I decided to train and learn what I did. I miss wrestling, and sometimes wonder what it would be like to step back through the ropes and do it again. For now though, I'll listen to my theme song (because I still consider this song just that!) and smile.

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