Where did this blog come from? Well to be honest, it started off as a class assignment and it spiralled into a continuous project that is ever evolving.
I love to dance, explore, sing, frolick in the rain, jump in the ocean. I'm an American Tribal Style belly dancer. I've lived abroad. I've travelled. I've been to post secondary education. I'm forever trying to learn something new.Mainly I love experiencing life. My dog Landon is a HUGE part of my life, so be prepared to read many, many posts on him. Hopefully, you'll come to know more about me by reading my writing.
My main reason for this blog is to get my work out there and seen by people. It's also a way for me to clear my head and get my thoughts out. I'll warn you, there may be a lot of rambling posts, but just think, all that rambling is what happens in my brain. It needs to get out so that the less rambling posts make some semblance of sense!
So if you like what you read, please follow me here and on Twitter (see Contact page), and recommend this to your friends.
Talking to and learning about people is also a hobby, so feel free to send me a message!
Happy Reading!