08 May 2010

No idea....

Well it has been awhile since my last post. I don't really know what to say. There's been a lot going on.

I have finished my full semester of school and have done well. I started my spring course last Monday and I love it so far. It's a creative non-fiction course and I get to be immersed in reading and writing for the next seven weeks. It's a word nerds dream! I love being able to focus solely on one subject and to be able to throw myself into my craft. Being a writer is what I am to be. I think I'll always refer to myself as a wanna-be writer because there is always so much to learn. Always different techniques and ways to hone my craft. Kind of like an artist. I am an artist of words.

There has been a lot on my mind other than school thought. One of my cousin's has been suffering with a brain tumor for the last 12 -13 years and things are not going so well. She doesn't have long to live now, and I am deeply saddened by that. I cannot imagine what her children and immediate family are going through. I know how I feel and can only imagine that what I am feeling is amplified for them by a hundred.

A good friend of mine was also old that her treatment for cancer isn't doing the trick and now she needs radiation. It sucks. Both her and my cousin are so young. Such good people and they have to go through this. I just can't fathom what it is like. Here I am, relatively healthy and I seem to take that for granted. Everyday I take it for granted. I complain about my so-called aliments and they don't come anywhere near what my loved ones are going through. Who am I to bitch and complain about things when they are going thought this shit?

Life is just way too short and way too unforgiving.

I've got such a whirlwind of thoughts in my head, that I can't make much sense right now.

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