10 November 2011

Life's Subtleties...

I'm trying to figure out where I stand in the grand scheme of things. Lately I've been feeling kind of displaced. Not too sure where I fit in. I mean, I know I fit in with my friends and family. Life in general seems vague. I know what I want out of life, for the most part, and I am working towards getting it. But what I want to know is, what does life want out of me? What expectations does fate have for me? 

I try and live life to the fullest, be positive, and all of that but what more is there? How can I do what I am meant to? Am I already doing that, or is there something more out there? How does one go about finding it? 

Things are often stumbled upon and those opportunities seem to be the ones that you need to grab. I've come to realize this. It's happened to me a lot in the past few years. Whether it be having a conversation with someone, glancing at a billboard, catching the end of a movie, or whatever. Sometimes the things you are meant to be doing aren't always what you thought. Did I ever think that I'd be a writer? Well honestly, when I was a child I wanted to be a secretary like my mom, then I wanted to be a doctor. I actually spent many years thinking that a doctor is what I'd be. Funny how things change. I've always written stories, poems, and in journals. When I was a teen, I remember watching a soap opera and one of my favourite characters was the director of public relations at a hospital. I decided I wanted to find out what that was and when I did, it was like something clicked. Public relations seemed like it'd be a perfect fit for me. Throughout high school, I excelled in English and Social Studies, so PR seemed like it was the next natural step. 

While researching PR and what I needed to enter the program I found that I needed some post secondary credits before I could even enter PR. So I had to find something to do first. I found a professional writing program and that was it. I had found what I was supposed to do. 

Writing has always been an outlet for me and something that I enjoyed doing. I still do. Now I am working on it as a career. 

Other things in my life have fallen upon me in the same fashion. Wrestling was one of them. I had always watched it while I was growing up and following a conversation with someone who said women can't or shouldn't wrestle, I set out to prove him wrong. I researched wrestling schools and found one that allowed me to get into the squared circle and learn the ropes that it took to become a professional wrestler. There were a lot of ups and downs and even more bumps and bruises but I learned so much along the way. Better than that, I met some great people. People who have been in my life long after I made the choice to stop wrestling and start traveling. 

Travel is another thing that feel in my lap. High school conversations about traveling to Australia led to a conversation with a co-worker that led to a trip abroad, a fantastic journey, and a forever friend. That friendship introduced me to belly dance. My friend's dad was giving her classes as a Christmas gift and wanted to know if I'd be interested in taking them as well. I said yes of course, since I always loved to dance. 

Fast forward a few years, to another job and another conversation with a different co-worker, where we found a shared love of belly dance. She had been dancing for a few years and doing a type of belly dance known as American Tribal Style and suggested I try it out. It just happened that the place she took classes from was about three blocks from my house, so I figured why not. That was last year and I haven't looked back. I found a new passion in ATS. It's become a huge part of my life. I've met some wonderful, amazing people while embarking on my dance journey. 

I guess I should stop looking for what's coming next. It seems to me that fate and chance have a big part in what happens in life. Being prepared and working towards your goals are great, but don't forget to keep your eyes and ears open for new opportunities. Sometimes they scream and grab you and you can't help but notice. Other times, you have to interpret the signs and go with your gut. Listen for the whispers. Look in the shadows. Stay open. Life has so much to offer. Make sure you are ready for it. I know I am!

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