11 September 2009

Life's Ramblings

Oi, what am I thinking about tonight?

Travel. My next trip. Where to go. What to do. How long for. So many questions. There are just so many places that I want to go. So many things that I want to do. There is never enough time (or money for that matter!) to do it all right now. Always some obligation. Something coming up. Guess that's what happens when you decide you want to further your education! My dream is to be a travel writer. Which is why I signed on for the writer education program, otherwise know as PROW to those priviledged enough to be in the program. I figured I could combine my love of writing with my love of travel. Seems like a perfect situation. Too bad the education isn't as nearly as glamourous as the jet-setting lifestyle. Not that the travel is always glamourous.

I remember the first time I got to Bangkok, Thailand. I had a a layover there until I got to Singapore. What should have been a 20 minute ride to the airport, turned into an hour and a half. My driver was practically blind and had three different pairs of glasses that he'd switch between. Seriously. He passed to hotel and since he spoke no English and I no Thai, we ended up in the Bangkok ghettos. I thought I was going to leave this world dismembered or something. But after many, many stops and lots of waving back towards where we should have been, I turned up intact, tired and safe. Needless to say, I now know to make sure a cabbie speaks English.

It's an experience like this that makes look back and think of all I have learned. Even though travel is not always glamourous or works how you expected, I love it and want to keep doing it.

The discovery. The friendships. The lessons. Everything. As much as I actually do like school, travel is the best lesson that anyone could experience.

Okay. I think I have rambled enough. More later...

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